As sharing and receiving knowledge is the most powerful tool to stimulate change, INSPIREnepal has been providing workshops and trainings in different fields. It has mostly been about disabilties and music therapy but also about personal development. The workshops have been for parents of disabled children, special need teachers, teachers, youth and health care professionals.
The aim of the workshops and trainings have always been to share knowledge, to let them experience the strenght of music therapy and to show possibilities for disabled children. To give tools, share interventions and make them feel more powerful and knowledgable as a care taker or profesional. As a music therapist, i believe you learn best through exploring and experiencing and so our workshops and training always included activities and self reflection. We give them examples of activities or interventions and practice together and make sure they understand the importance and why this activity or intervention is important.
It is easy as a western to walk into a school and center and start pointing out what has to be improved. But we work with the locals, ask what they want to learn and keep the cultural aspects in mind but also the financial aspects. What changes can be made within their budget so that the impact will last and not be forgotten as soon as the workshop or training is over because it is not achievable.
Our workshops and trainings have mostly been in Nepal and at different schools and centers. But occasionally Maud has been to India and annually to the Netherlands to provide workshops.